Kaleen Pruitt

Licensed Massage Therapist starting in 2015


Continuing Education

Intraoral Massage-16 CEU

Manual Lymphatic Drainage- Vodder Technique- 45 CEU

Self-Evaluation for an Ethical Practice

Sports Massage: Ethics and Building Trust

Ethical Dilemmas Fully Exposed

FMT Blades and Blades Advanced

Kinesiology and Pathologies of the Pelvis

Insurance Credentialing

From the Client's perspective: Marketing, policies and ethics of our practice 

Introduction to Cupping and Gua Sha

Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation

Lomi Lomi Hawaiian Massage

A Deeper approach to  muscles in lumbar region of the body

A Deeper approach to muscles in thoracic region of the body

A Deeper approach to muscles in cervical region of the body 

FMT Basic-Kinesiology Taping

Cupping Therapy

Adult First Aid/CPR/AED

Billing for the massage therapist

Dealing with Ethical Gray Areas in Massage Therapy

Sports Massage: Ethics and Building Trust

Introduction to pregnancy for the massage therapist